Bottom Freezer Refrigerator

Best Bottom Freezer Refrigerator

With the increase in the temperature of the globe, refrigerators have had more use. Almost everything needs to go inside the unit to stay fresh as it enters your house. Refrigeration additionally has more use than freezers do. For this purpose, there are many models of fridges that have their freezer in the bottom known as the bottom freezer refrigerators. These are usually large in the size and help users inconvenience.

To choose the best bottom freezer refrigerator, you need to make sure you have plenty of information. This article will guide you through everything you need to know. You will additionally learn the answers to questions that you probably have been wondering.

Best Bottom Freezer Refrigerator Buying Guide

What is a bottom freezer refrigerator?

A bottom freezer refrigerator has the fridge part on the top and the freezer on the bottom. This type allows you to have a better scan and access to your fridge and you will have to bend down for your freezer only. These types provide a larger space for your fridge and often allow you to enjoy features that make your fridge more dominant.

How do I know what size is perfect for me?

If you are worried about size as in fitting into your house, you need to make your measurements perfect. First of all measure the area that you have to accommodate your fridge. Next, you need to find out the measurements of your door to see what size can fit through easily. Keep in mind that delivery people might have to dismantle your door from the hinges to keep the unit inside.

If you are wondering the size according to the people, then take a look at the leftovers that you have that you think need to go in the fridge and buy the one that can fit in all those.

Is a swing open freezer better for a bottom freezer or a drawer?

You can choose a swing open or a drawer style as per your preference. However, it is ideal to go for the drawer one as it can easily open when it is in the bottom. The swing open can also make the unit lower and you will have to bend more to reach out to the contents of the fridge.

Won’t the drawer option have less space?

The concern is legit; drawer styles can have less space than the swing open ones. However, if you are looking for something more spacious then you can always find the multiple drawers refrigerators.  These have one big drawer with separate sections and smaller sections to help in storage. Some of them even have the option to set different temperatures for each shelf which will help you out in keeping your food fresher in a customized temperature.

5 Best Bottom Freezer Refrigerators 2018(Compare and Reviews)

Product Name Ice Maker Multiple freezer drawers Reversible door Energy Saving
Whirlpool Yes No Yes Yes
Amana Separate No Yes No
LG Electronics No Yes Yes Yes
Maytag Yes No No Yes
Kitchen Aid Separate Yes Yes Yes

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Whirlpool – Best overall Rating


Whirlpool is a renowned brand that has been around for many years producing the best of the kitchen appliances. This bottom freezer fridge is made with the latest technology and many features.

  • Features

The Whirlpool bottom freezer has many different features that make it one of the best in its category. The shelves of this fridge are made spill proof so that there is less of the spill and easy cleanup of the appliance.

The transparencies along with the LED light in the refrigerator allow the users to have a better look at the food inside it. You will also find a filter which helps in absorbing excessive ethylene gas which is responsible for ruining the fresh foods faster. You will also find an ice maker in this fridge to save you the effort of putting in ice tray all the time.

This refrigerator is energy star qualified which makes it friendly to the environment while helping you save a lot of money on bills. You will also find the door to this fridge to be reversible which can be used from either end.


  • LED light and transparency allows better look to the insides even when it is dark
  • A filter is there to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for up to 4 days or even longer
  • The machine comes with an ice maker to save you the effort of setting trays
  • This refrigerator is made with energy star making it efficient in bills and to the environment


  • The magnetic strip is too tight and it opens with a jerk
  • The unit is louder than most
The Whirlpool bottom freezer unit is the best overall rated choice. It has features like being eco-friendly and providing technology to keep the food fresh for a long time which make it amazing.

Amana – Best for the money


The Amana bottom freezer refrigerator has many features which give it the best overall rating. It has different sections for different types of food to make it fresher and efficient.

  • Features

The Amana Bottom freezer fridge is an efficient unit that holds amazing features which helps it gain the best overall rating. The door bins of this product are made adjustable to suit the size of the bottles.

The glass shelves are spill saving that keeps the spills in the fridge contained and they are made to accommodate the storage needs. The swing doors are made to open from the left or the right to accommodate the preference of the fridge. The light in the fridge compartment makes it easy for you to find things in your fridge.

The humidity controlled temperature in the fridge allows the fruits and vegetables to remain fresh for a long time. This refrigerator has the potential to have an ice maker kit available set for sale. You can choose between two different colors to enhance our style with this appliance in the house.


  • The door bins are made adjustable for easy storage according to the size
  • The swinging doors can be fitted on either side for convenience or preference
  • Humidity controlled temperature allows fruits and vegetables to be fresh and long lasting
  • The shelves are spill guarded along with being adjustable to accommodate storage
  • The temperature in the fridge can be controlled as per the requirement of the food


  • There is no ice maker or dispenser that comes with the unit
  • The freezer part does not have a light
The Amana bottom freezer fridge is made with high technology and features like humidity-controlled temperature to make it more efficient in usage. The price feature is a cherry on top.

LG Electronics – Best High-end choice


The LG electronics bottom freezer is a unit that provides the best value for the money with the several features that it offers to its customers. The smart cooling system allows the temperature of the unit to remain constant all throughout which helps in keeping food fresher and managed very efficiently. Along with the multi air flow system, the food remains in better conditions for a longer time.

There are two tempered glass shelves which are adjustable for easy storage. There are four door bins each of them which are designed to accommodate many different items including water and milk. In the one giant freezer drawer, there are two additional drawers which help you in increasing the surface area and storage space for your refrigerator.

The energy star certificate ensures that the fridge consumes less energy than other units; it also makes it safer for the environment and friendly to the pocket.


  • There are many different shelves, drawers, door bins, and several other spaces for increased storage
  • The multi air flow system allows the food to remain under the given temperature control and fresh for a longer time
  • The smart cooling system maintains the temperature of the refrigerator to keep food in perfect health
  • Energy star certificate ensures friendly on the pocket and friendly on the planet


  • There is no ice maker or a water dispenser with this unit
  • The shelves are not spill guarded
The LG bottom freezer fridge has many features like the spaciousness of the unit, the multi air flow system, and other features which make it a great purchase for the customers.

Maytag – Most Popular


The Maytag Bottom freezer refrigerator is the most popular fridge of this kind that has features that enhance its efficiency. Different colors make it easier to select the style you want in your kitchen.

  • Features

The Maytag fridge has features that are highly competitive in the market. These features make it one of the most popular refrigerators on the market. The Bright series Led inside the fridge along with the frameless glass shelves help keep the fridge bright from inside so you can look at the contents inside freely.

The humidity controlled fresh lock crispers keep the food fresh for a longer time than actually, fridges tend to do. There is a factory installed ice maker in this unit which makes it a great way to keep your beverages cold without having to make the effort of setting in ice trays.

There is a separate wide and fresh deli drawer that keeps the deli in a huge amount well maintained in terms of its own personal temperature. The stainless steel body is resistant to fingerprints which help in keeping it looking neat and tidy.


  • There are humidity fresh lock crispers to keep the food fresh in well-managed humidity and temperature
  • There is a factory installed ice maker which helps you get ice fats without making the effort to constantly set ice trays in the freezer
  • The deli drawer keeps huge amounts of deli fresh in their own temperature settings for perfection
  • The body is fingerprints resistant stainless steel which keeps the refrigerator presentable for a long time


  • The freezer does not have a light
  • The unit does not allow doors to be opened on both ends
The Maytag refrigerator is one of the most popular refrigerators because of its features like having an ice machine installed. The deli drawer is another very important aspect that makes it popular and unique.

Kitchen Aid – Best Selling


The Kitchen Aid bottom freezer refrigerator is one of the best selling units that make for an amazing fridge for your kitchen. The features are a self-explanation of the beauty of this product.

  • Features

The Kitchen Aid bottom fridge gives its users unbeatable features that help in making it the best seller in the market. It has produce preserving technology which helps in keeping the cooling conditions friendly to the product so that it can last for a long time.

There is an automatic ice maker kit separately available to be installed in the fridge if you wish to have one. The freezer basket can slide out at the upper and lower levels which give a more spacious approach to the freezer. The fridge also has a metal wine rack so that you can store your wine easily at optimum temperature.

The LED light used in this fridge is perfect to illuminate the fridge to see properly through the contents. The glass shelves which are adjustable additionally help in scrolling through the items more easily.  The Energy Star qualified unit helps control the bills and keep the environment safe at the same time.


  • The LED light along with glass shelves make it easier for you to scroll through the contents easily
  • The produce preservation technology keeps the produce fresh and at the optimum temperature for a very long time
  • There is a rack which allows you to store bottles of two liters without any problem, the rack is removable too.
  • Energy star technology allows you to save money on bills and save the environment from too much energy consumption


  • The freezer does not have a light to see through
  • The ice maker needs to be installed and bought separately


Features like preserving technology, automatic ice maker kit, and adjustable glass shelves make it one of the best selling items in this category.

Main Features of Bottom freezer refrigerator

Getting the best bottom freezer refrigerator can be a hassle because there are so many in the market all that proves to be the best. Check out the considerations you should make and the features you should choose the make sure you have the right bottom freezer that fulfills all your needs.

Choose the Size

The first and foremost decision that you need to make is for the size of the fridge. There are plenty of different options; you will need to choose it according to the space that you have defined for your fridge.

Additionally, the size also depends on the number of contents that you usually have in your fridge. For example, if you are just two people, getting a bigger one can be of no use to you, so you will get one according to your needs.

Energy Efficient

In the newer times, customers seem to care about the energy efficiency a lot which is a great thing. If your fridge is efficient on energy, it will take up less energy and decrease your bills. It will also help save and protect the environment. These units tend to last longer as well compared to the regular units.

If you are interested in this factor, then there are many qualities that certify it to be eco-friendly which will help meet your purpose.

Ice Maker and Water Dispenser

Having an ice maker on your fridge means getting rid of ice trays and waiting for them to be solid for hours. An ice maker on your fridge allows you to enjoy ice on the go without any hassles. You will also be able to save money on the separate ice maker.  The case is similar with dispensers; it saves money on buying a separate one.

Having a water dispenser also means not opening the fridge again and again for water and having easy access to chilled water without using plastic bottles. With the advanced technology, many customers want these features and you can have them too.

Keep the Freshness Intact

Another one of the features that are very important is that your refrigerator is working on keeping the food fresh with one technology or the other. The most common is the temperature control and it ranges to the humidity levels in the fridge. Users also prefer to have shelves with custom settings so that they keep the different types of food at different temperatures.

What freshness features should I get for my fridge?

There are many companies each uses their own technologies to keep the freshness intact. You can choose any one of them. However, a few of the common ones that you can go for are these. The dual evaporators in the fridge are there to maintain humidity levels. This eventually reduces chances of freezer smells migrating in the fridge.

Some fridges have air purifiers which kill the bacteria generated and which keeps your food clean and healthy. You can also go for the vacuum sealed crisp drawers which keep food fresh for a long period of time.


After reading details you will now have had an idea of what to look for when you search for the best bottom freezer refrigerator. Our product reviews especially tell the best of the best in the market.

Combined with the buying guide, these help in determining a few things you need in your bottom freezer refrigerator. Keep in mind to spend proper time in researching as this is a big decision and you will have to live with it for a few years at least.

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